Thursday, January 12, 2012

Toe Hair Tourniquet - Mom's Hair as Hazard??

I would have never imagined that Toe Hair Tourniquet Syndrome exists as a 'medical condition'.  But I found out the day that a piece of my hair had wrapped so tightly around my Fati's finger that it cut off circulation.  We were out eating lunch when I looked over and noticed that her middle finger looked huge and strangely plastic.  I examined it closer and almost gasped because it didn't look like her real finger.  It was so scary seeing how swollen, tight and red it had become...all from a strand of my hair! My friend had to use her nail to get the hair unwrapped and afterwards she was fine, thank God.  But I read that in some cases Nair is needed to loosen the hair or the baby may even need to go the hospital.  Often, parents don't notice, especially if it occurs on the toe.  And, ER docs are taught to look for wrapped hair when infants are brought in crying inconsolably.  Also, I read that the hair can wrap around any appendage, including a little boy's penis.  My gosh, how can a mother's hair be such a hazard??  One study showed that it occurs more frequently around the time that mothers experience increase in hair loss - about 4 months postpartum.  Toe Tourniquet Syndrome in Association with Maternal Hair Loss

BTW, it wasn't difficult to find information by simply googling 'hair wrapped around infant finger.'  Who knew...Here's another brief article on Toe Hair Tourniquet.

Just one more reason to examine our little babies closely.  Well with them being so cute and adorable, I'm sure us moms won't have a problem with that!